
The over 55s club

Our actions are forcing some candidates to use deception as an application tactic…..

In recent conversations, older job seekers have voiced their frustrations about feeling let down by the ‘system’. Many describe positive discussions with Recruiters or directly with employers who talk about interviews and encourage them to apply but then meet silence.

Some candidates have even felt compelled to change their names on exploratory calls to avoid LinkedIn searches, fearing they won’t get fair consideration.

Now, I’m not condoning such actions, and it’s troubling that older job seekers are even considering this as a solution….

So, what are we doing wrong, and how can we change? Consider these points:

📌What initiatives does your company have in place for age inclusion?
Programs, workplace practices and policies that champion the inclusion of older workers make a real difference.
📌 Review your job ad messaging.
Scrap phrases wanting Nijas, Legends or ‘absolute guns’ to apply.
📌 Recognize the value of a balanced workforce.
Studies show that age-diverse teams perform better by combining a range of skills and levels of experience that complement one another’s strengths.
📌 They’re not after your job! Embrace expertise, don’t fear it.
Mature workers bring a wealth of knowledge and unique perspectives to problem-solving, often seeing solutions through a different, more balanced lens.
📌 Let go of age-related stereotypes.
Research has debunked the myth that older workers struggle to adapt or upskill, just as Millennials don’t all fit into ‘a type’ either.

Hiring managers, push for transparency. A top-down directive reinforces your brand. Make decisions based on merit and implement recruiting practices that enhance the candidate experience.

Abandon the common misconceptions and consider the individual, rather than a label.

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