A close up image of typewriter hammers. The image is in black and white.

Writing a stand out CV

What’s the point?


Well, you have 30-40 seconds max to grab the reader’s attention. That’s roughly half of the front page…..and if you don’t, it could mean instant rejection.

There’s been much debate recently about how to create a winning CV, and whether you should use AI to create it on your behalf. But ChatGPT doesn’t know you from a bar of soap so how can you expect it to completely rewrite your CV to demonstrate your skills and experience, and not look identical to every other AI-written application? Use the technology to ‘assist’ but not to be your copywriter. 

The pages are valuable real estate

The sole purpose of your resume is to get you past that first screen and invited to an interview. Think of your CV like real estate with oceanfront views – the front page is the most expensive (and exclusive) with the following pages depreciating the further back in your career history you go.

CVs are more often than not reviewed on mobiles

Technology now plays an increasing role in the recruitment process. Gone are the days when a hiring manager had a stack of CVs land on their desk and the most eye-catching got reviewed first. Many are now being read on mobile devices, so crafting a clean and simple-to-navigate CV is essential.

What do you need to include (or remove) to make your application stand out from the others? Well, click on our CV Guide and we’ll walk you through 10 simple steps to create a short-list-worthy CV!

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